What's New at WBU

BirdReel Now Available at Wild Birds Unlimited Colorado

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Winter SuperBlend

Give your birds a little extra help with seasonally-savvy feeding! During the winter’s short daylight hours and colder weather, birds need every bit of nutrition available to get through the long night. Winter SuperBlend® can be used on its own or mixed into your normal seed blend. Packed with sunflower chips, pecans, peanuts, tree nuts, Bark Butter Bits and safflower, this blend is a nutritional powerhouse right when birds need it most.


Seed Characters

Add a little character to your yard with an adorable owl available only from Wild Birds Unlimited. Olive is made from a No-Mess Blend of seeds, nuts, and fruit to attract a wide variety of birds with no leftover shells or mess. Features a hole down the center to slide onto our seed cylinder feeders. Seed characters are best offered on our cylinder feeders.